personal brand
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What is Personal Brand?

For those of you just starting out on your first job you may not be aware of what everyone is talking about when they mention “personal brand”, so let’s try to simplify this buzzword. So what is Personal brand? it can be thought of as how you wish to be viewed by others, through your appearance, actions and communications, essentially it is how you will be talked about by others when you not around.  A personal brand is the unique combination of skills, experiences, and personality that you present to both the real and virtual world, it’s what make you, you. It is how you promote yourself and the impression people have of you. Your personal brand encompasses your values, strengths, passions, and the way you express and communicate them. Here are some key aspects of personal branding

Online presence

Now, more than ever, your personal brand is critical to how you view yourself and how others see you.  In the digital era of online platforms (such as Instagram, Snapchat or Facebook etc), forums, blogs, smart phones and so on, it is critical you manage/craft your online presence to ensure that it fits with how you wish to be seen by the world, your friends, colleagues and even potential employers.  In many cases, individuals of the younger generation who are considered digital natives, will already have some sort of personal branding (good or not so good) out in the world.  They would have been using Snapchat, TikTok or YouTube since their teens and, at the time of using, they may not have thought about the future impact of their online presence and how it can be searched for, or viewed by employers/partners.

Personal Brand is how you wish to be viewed by others, through your appearance, actions and communications #personalbrand Share on X

Be careful online

In today’s digital age, your online presence plays a significant role in shaping your personal brand. It encompasses everything from your activity on social media, personal websites, and blogs to any content you produce or share. With the vast majority of personal and professional interactions happening online, maintaining a robust and positive online presence has become crucial. This not only affects how others perceive you but also opens up opportunities for networking, career advancement, and personal growth. By carefully curating your digital footprint, you can effectively communicate your unique identity, values, and expertise to a global audience.

I know it’s hard to think about it at the time but please think twice about putting dodgy photos (after a big night out) on TikTok or Instagram or even venting on X as this may not be how you wish others to see you.  Do you want these online experiences to define who you are?, if not it is important that you have a clear picture of how you want to be perceived by others and that you go about cultivating that in a consistent way across a variety of platforms/media , such as on LinkedIn, your CV, Snapchat, X, Medium or even presenting at conferences.

Personal Brand is more than your online presence

As far as how you want to be viewed by others it is important to be genuine and true to yourself. You may be able to create an awesome and engaging on-line persona but relying solely on this outward focusing image of yourself without substance is not the only way to build a sustainable personal brand.  You are more than your on-line image – you are a real person with characteristics that make you you, such as integrity and authenticity where both your on-line persona and personal characteristics (how you look, speak and act) mesh to create your personal brand.  If you are interested in growing your Personal Brand you can go to another one of my posts called:  3 Steps to build your Personal Brand.

What is Personal Brand to you?, remember you are more than your on-line image – you are a real person with characteristics that make you unique.

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