In today's digital age, screens are an integral part of our daily lives, from smartphones, computers (at home and school) and tablets to laptops and televisions. For busy parents, managing screen time while ensuring quality family interactions and keeping your sanity can be challenging. The good news is that with some strategic planning and mindful practices, it's possible to strike a healthy balance between screen time and family time.
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Can You Balance Screen Time?

In today’s digital age, screens are an integral part of our daily lives, from smartphones, computers (at home and school) and tablets to laptops and televisions. For busy parents, managing screen time while ensuring quality family interactions and keeping your sanity can be challenging. The good news is that with some strategic planning and mindful practices, it’s possible to strike a healthy balance between screen time and family time.

The Importance of Balancing Screen Time and Family Time

Studies show that excessive screen time can have negative effects on both children and adults, impacting everything from physical health to mental well-being. According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, children aged 2 to 5 should have no more than one hour of high-quality screen time per day. Yet, a report by Common Sense Media reveals that children aged 8 to 12 spend an average of four to six hours a day on screens, while teens can spend up to nine hours.

For parents, balancing screen time is also crucial. Overuse of digital devices can lead to issues like digital fatigue, decreased productivity, and strained family relationships. Hence, creating a balanced environment is vital for the holistic development of children and the wellbeing of the entire family.

Set Clear Screen Time Boundaries

Establish Family Rules

One of the most effective ways to manage screen time is by establishing clear family rules. Create a household screen time policy (as part of your Digital Family Agreement) that outlines when and where screens can be used. For example, you might decide that all devices are off-limits during meals and family activities. Make sure these rules are agreed upon by all family members and consistently enforced.

Consider using a Digital Family Agreement that outlines expectations and responsibilities. This can be especially helpful for older children who may have their own devices.

Use Parental Controls

Take advantage of parental control settings available on most devices. These tools allow you to set time limits, block inappropriate content, and monitor your child’s online activity. Parental controls are an excellent way to ensure that screen time is safe and within the agreed-upon limits.

Prioritize Quality Family Time

Schedule Family Activities

Just as you would schedule work meetings or appointments, it’s important to schedule regular family time. This could include a weekly family game night, a weekend outing, or simply a daily check-in where everyone shares their thoughts and feelings. By prioritizing family time, you demonstrate to your children that spending time together is a top priority.

Engage in Screen-Free Activities

Encourage activities that do not involve screens, such as playing board games, reading books, or doing arts and crafts. Outdoor activities like hiking, going to the beach, playing football with mates, biking, or playing in the park are also great ways to bond as a family and friends while getting some exercise and fresh air.

Be a Role Model

Sorry to say this, but we as parents need to set an example, I know it can be hard but we must be the ones that our children get their screen time behaviours from. Children will often emulate their parents’ behaviour, we just get away from that, but it needs to be that way rather than their friends who may be on screens 24/7. If you constantly check your phone or watch TV, your children are likely to do the same. Set a good example by being mindful of your own screen time. Show your children that you value face-to-face interactions and non-screen-related activities and that screens are not the centrepiece of your life.

“We must show our children that screens are not the centrepiece of your life”

Encourage Open Communication

Discuss the Importance of Balance

Have open conversations with your children about the importance of balancing screen time with other activities. Explain how too much screen time can affect their health and well-being. Encourage them to express their thoughts about screen time and involve them in creating a family plan that works for everyone.

Utilize Technology Wisely

Choose Educational Content

Not all screen time is created equal. Encourage your children to engage with educational content that promotes learning and development. There are numerous apps and programs designed to enhance skills in areas like math, science, and reading to support their schooling.

Co-View and Co-Play

Whenever possible, share screen time with your children by watching and discussing shows together or playing video games as a team. This can transform screen time into a bonding experience and provide opportunities to discuss the content and its relevance to real-life situations.

I also tried out the games my teenage boys wanted to play before they were allowed to play them, I was awful at them but I got a sense of the suitability and how in-game chat works. It was important that could report inappropriate language in a chat or mute it all together. For example, in Fortnite (a popular online game) you can report a voice chat (example below) for violating the Epic Games (makers of Fortnite) community rules.

Whenever possible, share screen time with your children by watching and discussing shows together or playing video games as a team. This can transform screen time into a bonding experience and provide opportunities to discuss the content and its relevance to real-life situations.

Reporting a Voice Chat in Fortnite

Follow these steps to report a conversation while you’re in a Party or Game Channel with voice reporting on:

  1. Open the Sidebar.
  2. Navigate to the voice chat tab. …
  3. Press the Report Conversation button.
  4. Wait for the report to load.
  5. Press the Submit button.
  6. Close the screen.
  7. Return to your game.

Achieving a Healthy Balance

Balancing screen time and family time is a continuous process that requires effort, communication, and flexibility. By setting clear boundaries, prioritizing family activities, being a positive role model, and using technology wisely, busy parents can create an environment where screens enhance rather than hinder family life. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate screens but to find a healthy balance that works for everyone in the family and their wellbeing.

With these tips and strategies, busy parents can navigate the digital landscape while ensuring that family connections remain strong and meaningful. So take the first step today and start building a screen-time plan that fosters a closer, happier family dynamic.

How have you managed to balance screen time for your children?


The views and opinions expressed in this blog are solely my own and reflect my personal experiences as a digital parent to two teenage, online game-playing boys. While I strive to provide helpful information and share what has worked for me, please remember that everyone’s situation is unique. The content provided here is not intended as professional advice. If you require specific guidance or support, I strongly encourage you to seek assistance from qualified professionals in the relevant field

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