Rarotonga - holiday season
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Holiday time & your work/life balance

It’s almost time to hang up your Christmas stockings for Santa or to just take some time off during this holiday period and manage your work/life balance.  But how connected to work will you choose to be over this period?   I for one will be available by phone or text as always 24/7, so if needed I can be contacted in the event of a major incident.  That’s pretty much the extent of how connected to work I intend to be, no proactive checking of emails or logging in to the corporate network.  It also helps having a great team (some of whom will be on call), a well thought through holiday support and escalation process that allows for the day to day operations to function as well as catering for major incidents during this period.

Staying connected to work?

But of course how connected you remain to work is largely up to you, but that said this holiday period could be a great time for you to address/re-evaluate your work/life balance.  If not, maybe this should be a chance to start the New Year off with a more integrated approach to the way you weave aspects of work into your life.  After all in this digital age where we are constantly connected, so there must be boundaries set to manage both your expectations and those of your employer.  For example, you may only check your emails or phone messages after you have put your kids to bed or if your partner has gone out for the night.

Have a great holiday and re-charge your batteries….I am also interested to hear how connected or not you intend to be over this holiday period…?

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