Time to Create My Own Blogging Content
Well, I thought I would give blogging a go by actually creating my own site, instead of producing content for others I wanted to continue to develop my own personal brand, using and controlling my own content. It has been something I have been thinking about for a while now. I have spent the last few weeks setting up my site, such as deciding on what provider to use, blog title “livingthetech.com“, content, pictures and more importantly pinpointing what I actually wanted to stand for, a raison d’être as it were.
Since starting my blog in 2016 I have enjoyed creating relevant, readable and hopefully useful content (I guess I will leave that up to my readers to decide), it has turned into something of a passion for me, one I would love to do full time.

What to blog about
In the end, I decided to go with blogging on those topics that genuinely interested me, so for now I am sticking with Digital Culture, leadership, careers & blogging lessons learnt (including opinions/observations) both in my career and as a blogger.
As you can see it has left me with plenty of scope for future blogs/articles. It was important to me that I was able to share guidance/advice on IT careers as well as personal experiences of moving to New Zealand and the lessons I learnt trying to establish myself in the IT industry. There will be lots of lessons to learn along the way as I move from novice blogger to a fully-fledged blogger, where just maybe it can start to pay for itself.
Over the coming weeks/months/years, I intend to start sharing blogging lessons I have learnt so far including those sites that I have found the most useful, so maybe you might give it a go. Feel free to add more advice in the comments section below…why did you start blogging?