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Self-Reflection to you?

By taking the time to look inward, we can better understand our experiences, identify areas for personal growth, and make more informed decisions. In a fast-paced world where external distractions often dominate, cultivating the habit of self-reflection can lead to greater self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being. “ Self-reflection is a natural and familiar process…so what keeps organizations from embracing formal reflective practices as a way to encourage learning? ” (Daudelin, M. W. 1996, Learning from experience through reflection). Daudelin (1996) then goes on to argue that managers may have always placed higher value on action rather than reflecting.

Has any one worked at an organisation that actually had a formal reflection process?  I am sure we have all practiced self-reflection on a more informal basis in this and past organisations without actually realising what it was, such as how could have I improved my performance during that crisis event.  I always believed self-reflection was just something I did to make sense of a personal experience and what it meant to me – could I have handled the situation in a more effective way?

Self-Reflection Techniques

Over time I have realised the importance of self-reflection and how you should take time out to reflect on the experiences of the day, your goals or state of mind.  An example offered by Daudelin (1996) resonated with me as a method I have always used to allow for personal reflection. She explains how it is possible to reflect on an experience whilst out running, as it allows “one to momentarily suspend the intense flow of new information on the brain” (Daudelin, M. W. 1996, Learning from experience through reflection).  I often find myself reflecting on work situations whilst walking or at the gym, which I find useful in making sense of my behaviour during certain situations in the day as well as the behaviour of others.  To further assist in enhancing self-reflection it may be beneficial to use a mentor or to gain feedback from your team or trusted colleagues, this could help become more self aware.  Other techniques may include (pick and chose as they are not for everyone):

At the moment it's even more important to remove yourself from your desk..try taking a walk #selfreflection Share on X


Journaling is a powerful tool for self-reflection and personal growth. By writing down your thoughts and experiences daily, you can process and understand them better. This practice helps clarify your mind, track your progress, and recognize patterns in your behavior and emotions. Journaling allows you to explore your inner world, gain insights, and make sense of your feelings and actions. Whether through a structured format or free-form writing, regular journaling can enhance self-awareness, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being.


Meditation is a practice of mindfulness that helps you focus on the present moment and gain insights into your inner self. By meditating regularly, you can develop a greater awareness of your thoughts, emotions, and sensations. This practice can lead to a deeper understanding of yourself and your reactions to various situations. Meditation helps reduce stress, improve concentration, and enhance overall mental well-being. Whether through guided sessions or silent contemplation, incorporating meditation into your daily routine can promote a more mindful and balanced life.

Feedback Seeking

Seeking constructive feedback from others (as I had previously mentioned) is a vital practice for personal and professional development. By encouraging feedback, you can gain different perspectives on your actions and behaviors (especially those you maybe blind to), helping you to understand how you are perceived by others. This external input can reveal blind spots, validate your strengths, and highlight areas for improvement. Actively seeking and accepting feedback fosters a growth mindset, enhances self-awareness, and promotes continuous learning. Incorporating feedback into your routine can lead to more informed decisions and better relationships.

Charismatic Leader to Mentor

“The manager’s role has shifted from that of charismatic leader (a person who knows all the answers) to that of coach-a person who works with team members to help them discover the answers” (Daudelin, M. W. 1996, Learning from experience through reflection).  This certainly made me think and view those leaders I saw as being charismatic in a different light, where it is no longer the accepted norm to think for or micromanage others.  It is your job as a leader to guide individuals (whether they are in your team or not) in the right direction or to broaden their thinking. You must become a leader for those around you, and role model behaviours through your actions, communications and appearance, your personal brand as it were.

 Make time for you…..

Self-reflection is about making time in your busy lives for yourself to focus (without distractions) on your behaviours, the way you are feeling, life goals and general state of mind, a chance to catch-up with yourself.  For example, it can be looking back on how you responded to a certain event during the day or how others perceived your actions.  The way you deal with self-reflection should be very personal to you and could even ask those you trust to cover off those blind spots that you may not be aware of.  If you can”t make time for you, who else can?…..take time out for your self, your mental health and doing things that make you smile.

Self-reflection is about making time for yourself to focus on your behaviours, life goals and general state of mind #selflove #growthmindset Share on X

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